Why Buy Wool?

May 24, 2022

Why Buy Wool?

Wool is one of the most widely used and desired natural fibers in the world. So what makes it such a great fiber, especially for home interiors and accessories?

You probably have something made of wool in your closet or home right now. Wool is widely used for home textiles, goods and clothing. Wool can be processed into a number of different finishes and fabrics so not everything wool will resemble a chunky wool sweater. Your curtains, couch fabric, coat or pants could be made of finely processed wool.

So what makes wool such a good fiber for home goods, clothes and accessories?

It Can Be Easily Modified

Wool is a great choice for textiles because it holds dye exceptionally well, making it incredibly versatile for designs of all kinds. It is also easily manipulated into different textures. You can have something made of chunky wool or something woven from finely processed wool. Just think of tweed (made of wool) and a wool suit. Both are made entirely of wool but have a very different weight and texture.

It’s Exceptionally Durable

One of the reasons wool is so sought after is because it is super durable and long lasting. Unlike the synthetic fibers of fast fashion and cheap home goods, wool is made to last. The fibers itself have a natural crimp which helps it maintain its shape for long periods of time. You can use a wool garment or home item constantly and see very little signs of wear. This makes wool products last and look new longer.

The fibers themselves are also very strong and resistant to tearing. Think about a wool item you have owned in the past or present – how hard would it be to tear it with your bare hands or even something sharp? Probably pretty hard.

It’s Flexible and Elastic

Wool is very flexible and elastic making it the perfect choice for clothing and accessories. A wool fiber can bend more than 20,000 times without breaking, much higher than cotton (3,000) and silk (2,000). If you are wearing something you want to make sure that it can move with you and not deteriorate.

It’s Fire Retardant 

If you are considering wool for your home it is important to know that wool is naturally flame retardant. Wool contains high levels of nitrogen and water making it resistant to flames. Wool is extremely hard to ignite and will never drip, melt or emit fumes during a fire like synthetic fibers would.


Shop 100% wool products on brontemoon.com

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